Just because the major North American comic book distributors have stopped working, doesn’t mean you cannot still read comic books! And don’t forget to support your local neighborhood comic book shop (Modern Age is still shipping books!) if you are able.
Comics & Comic-Related Resources
Attend a free virtual Comics Relief festival from First Second Comics. This will be held on Saturday, April 18, 2020 from 10am to 4pm (central time zone). This will give comics fans an in-depth look at the key moments in comic creation, and you’ll hear from many beloved graphic novel creators.
Marvel Free Issues. These are free to read online on Marvel’s website within your web browser, but they are not free to download.
hoopla comics (Library card required)
Create your own comics, using these templates from the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund
For fans of Smile, Sisters, Drama, Ghosts, and Guts, here are some resources straight from Raina herself
This has been mentioned before, but Dav Pilkey (Dog Man, Captain Underpants) has started an At Home series here
Get a free drawing lesson from Jeffrey Brown (Jedi Academy, Lucy the Neanderthal)
There is the We Will Draw project with Will Sliney, who is an artist with Marvel Studios. Will specifically works on Spider Man and Star Wars titles with Marvel.
Comics School is an at home comics writing project thrown together by Gail Simone. Gail is a writer for DC, specifically the Birds of Prey series.
Free comic book art style drawing tutorials
The Digital Comics Museum website for vintage oldies
Covid Comics
This is a thing now! Here is just one example of a kid-friendly web comic about the coronavirus, sponsored by NPR. There are Spanish & Chinese versions of the comic.
How to draw the coronavirus tutorial
Here is a giant list of web comics and infographics about the coronavirus.