Feed Your Need to Read: 12/16/2019 to 2/7/2020
Winter Reading will be starting a little earlier than usual this year on December 16th, so you should have plenty of time during your Winter Break to log your hours — especially if you will be travelling for the holidays. School Districts 47, 158, and 300 all start Winter Break on Saturday, December 21st.
Babies through 8th graders will receive a yummy hot chocolate packet and scratch & sniff bookmark when you sign-up for our Winter Reading Program. Finishers will get to choose a prize book and spin the wheel for a bonus prize. Keep reading and you will be entered into a drawing for gift cards, books, and toy prizes. A library card is not required for sign-up.
NEW THIS YEAR: Summer Reading T-Shirt Challenge. Dress-up in one of your old summer reading t-shirts for an additional prize!