Banned Books Week is an annual event celebrating the freedom to read. The books featured during Banned Books Week have all been targeted for removal or restrictions in libraries and schools. Banned Books Week highlights the value of free and open access to information.
Harry Potter is one of the most challenged children’s books of the 21st century! Many parents, teachers, school board members, and even college professors have objected to children reading the books for many reasons. Some people have actually stopped kids from reading the books, taken the books out of a school library, and even burned the books.
Why? Dangerous; violent; the author is probably a member of the occult; has a series tone of death, hate, lack of respect, and sheer evil; deals with magic and bad experiences; sorcery & witchcraft; the sucking of animal blood; promotes witchcraft; is scary; dark themes; will lead children to hatred and rebellion; telling children that lying, cheating, and stealing is cool and cute; characterizes authority as stupid; deals with ghosts; promotes the Wicca religion; is a masterpiece of Satanic deception; contains lying and smart-aleck retorts to adults; portrays good witches and good magic; inappropriate for a Catholic school; contradicts Islamic and Arab values.
What can you do? Read the Harry Potter books and judge for yourselves! The First Amendment of the United States Constitution gives us the freedom to read any book. If a person doesn’t like a book than they don’t have to read it but they cannot take that right away from other people.
Or you can write the author, J.K. Rowling, a letter at:
J.K Rowling
c/o Scholastic, Inc.
557 Broadway
New York, NY 10012-3999
Doyle, Robert P. (2017). Banned Books: Defending Our Freedom to Read. Chicago, American Library Association.