The Algonquin Area Public Library offers free online tutoring and homework help through Brainfuse HelpNow, an online resource. This website is available for Algonquin Library cardholders Mondays - Sundays from 2 PM-11 PM (CST). Once registered, you can log on and gain immediate access to the following helpful services.
- Live Tutoring - Chat online with tutors that specialize in math, science, reading, writing, English, and social studies.
- Wrting Lab - Stop by the Writing Lab and upload a writing assignment that you are working on and an expert tutor can offer feedback within one business day.
- SkillSurfer - Check out the SkillSurfer section if you would like to brush up on specific skills. The Learning Library offers thousands of lessons, quizzes, and tests on a large variety of academic skills.
- Send a Question - Send a question to a tutor any time of day and receive a written response within one business day.
- Language Lab - The Language Lab offers a Spanish tutor that is available to provide homework help.
Brainfuse HelpNow is not only for K-12 students. Adults may also use this resource for professional assistance in resume/cover letter writing, preparing for the U.S. citizenship test, Microsoft Office help, and more.
If you have any questions, you may contact them at 1.866.BRAINFUSE or send Brainfuse HelpNow a message here.