Is there a curious little girl in your life that loves to learn and create? Encourage her inquiring mind and the love of STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) by reading stories that showcase girls rocking these areas of study! The characters in these picture books will open girls’ eyes to the possibility that they too can follow their interest in robotics, coding, engineering, or any STEM fields of study that spark their interest.
Written by: Andrea Beaty
Illustrated by: David Roberts
Summary: A young, aspiring engineer is shy about her inventions, especially after someone laughs at one of them. Thankfully, a loved one encourages her by letting her know that even if an invention fails, it’s not a failure. Failure happens when you quit trying. This great book showcases inventions and engineering while teaching that it's okay if your invention doesn't turn out the first time.
Written by: Steve Breen
Summary: Young Violet, a mechanical genius, loves to tinker and create. Her only friend is her dog, Orville, so she creates a plan to win the respect of her classmates. Despite Violet's plan not going as expected, she uses one of her homemade flying inventions to become a hero in an unexpected way.
Written and Illustrated by: Ashley Spires
Summary: A little girl has a wonderful idea. With the help of her canine assistant, she is going to make the most magnificent thing! She knows just how it will look. She knows just how it will work. Creating the most magnificent thing turns out to be harder than she thinks. This fun picture book sends a great message to young would-be inventors about the power of persistence.
Written by: Patrick McDonnell
Summary: Holding her stuffed toy chimpanzee, young Jane Goodall observes nature, reads Tarzan books, and dreams of living in Africa where she can help animals. This charming picture book shows us how a person's passion can transform into a fascinating career.
Written by: Molly Beth Griffin
Illustrated by: Jennifer A. Bell
Summary: On a backpacking trip with her aunt and uncle, a young girl loves collecting rocks while hiking in the forest, by the river, and at the lake. She eagerly finds rocks in all shapes and sizes, but soon her pack becomes too heavy to carry. Fortunately, Rhoda creates a clever solution to solve her problem. Young nature lovers are sure to connect with this delightful character and charming story.
Velma Gratch and the Way Cool Butterfly
Written by: Alan Madison
Illustrated by: Kevin Hawkes
Summary: Velma starts first grade in the shadow of her talented older sisters. Her interest in butterflies helps her to stand out, but it also leads to an interesting complication. In this adorable story, Velma discovers herself and a new love of science!
Written by: Deborah Underwood
Illustrated by: Meg Hunt
Summary: Cinderella, an intelligent mechanic, dreams of repairing fancy spaceships and attending the Prince's Royal Parade. With the help of a mouse and a fairy godrobot, she arrives just in time for the parade. Luckily, Interstellar Cinderella made it to the parade because her mechanical skills are needed right away. This adorable fairy tale retelling gives the reader a happy ending and a mechanically gifted heroine to admire.