After being sold to a cruel couple in New York City, a slave named Isabel spies for the rebels during the Revolutionary War.
By: Laurie Halse Anderson
Call Number: J AND
The Hunger Games
In a future North America, where the rulers of Panem maintain control through an annual televised survival competition pitting young people from each of the twelve districts against one another, sixteen-year-old Katniss's skills are put to the test when she voluntarily takes her younger sister's place.
By: Suzanne Collins
Call Number: J COL
The Maze Runner
Sixteen-year-old Thomas wakes up with no memory in the middle of a maze and realizes he must work with the community in which he finds himself if he is to escape.
By: James Dashner
Call Number: J DAS
Wish You Were Eyre then read the actual Jane Eyre
The girls--along with their Wyoming pen pals, who drop in for a visit over Spring Break--dive into Charlotte Brönte's classic "Jane Eyre." Some real life romance follows, as Becca may have found a Mr. Rochester of her own. And then there's the matter of a certain wedding ....
By: Heather Vogel Frederick
Call Number: J FRE
The Giver
Given his lifetime assignment at the Ceremony of Twelve, Jonas becomes the receiver of memories shared by only one other in his community and discovers the terrible truth about the society in which he lives.
By: Lois Lowry
Call Number: J LOW
A Mango-Shaped Space
Afraid that she is crazy, thirteen-year-old Mia, who sees a special color with every letter, number, and sound, keeps this a secret until she becomes overwhelmed by school, changing relationships, and the loss of something important to her.
By: Wendy Mass
Call Number: MAS
The Wednesday Wars
During the 1967 school year, on Wednesday afternoons when all his classmates go to either Catechism or Hebrew school, seventh-grader Holling Hoodhood stays in Mrs. Baker's classrooom, where they read the plays of William Shakespeare and Holling learns much of value about the world he lives in.
By: Gary Schmidt
Call Number: J SCH
The Witch of Blackbird Pond
In 1687 in Connecticut, Kit Tyler, feeling out of place in the Puritan household of her aunt, befriends an old woman considered a witch by the community and suddenly finds herself standing trial for witchcraft.
By: Elizabeth George Speare
Call Number: J SPE
Even though his classmates from first grade on have considered him strange and a loser, Daniel Zinkoff's optimism and exuberance and the support of his loving family do not allow him to feel that way about himself.
By: Jerry Spinelli
Call Number: J SPI
The Road to Memphis
Sadistically teased by two white boys in 1940's rural Mississippi, a black youth severely injures one of the boys with a tire iron and enlists Cassie's help in trying to flee the state.
By: Mildred Taylor
Call Number: J TAY