The World According to Humphrey
Humphrey, pet hamster at Longfellow School, learns that he has an important role to play in helping his classmates and teacher.
By: Betty G. Birney
Call Number: J BIR
Bad Kitty Gets a Bath
Takes a humorous look at the normal way cats bathe, why it is inappropriate for humans to bathe that way, and the challenges of trying to give a cat a real bath with soap and water.
By: Nick Bruel
Call Number: J BRU
Ramona Quimby, Age 8
The further adventures of the Quimby family as Ramona enters third grade.
By: Beverly Cleary
Call Number: J CLE
Toys Go Out
Six stories relate the adventures of three best friends, who happen to be toys.
By: Emily Jenkins
Call Number: J JEN
Where the Mountain Meets the Moon
Minli, an adventurous girl from a poor village, buys a magical goldfish, and then joins a dragon who cannot fly on a quest to find the Old Man of the Moon in hopes of bringing life to Fruitless Mountain and freshness to Jade River.
By: Grace Lin
Call Number: J LIN
Alvin Ho Allergic to Girls, School and Other Scary Things
A young boy in Concord, Massachusetts, who loves superheroes and comes from a long line of brave Chinese farmer-warriors, wants to make friends, but first he must overcome his fear of everything.
By: Lenore Look
Call Number: J LOO
Sarah Plain and Tall
When their father invites a mail-order bride to come live with them in their prairie home, Caleb and Anna are captivated by their new mother and hope that she will stay.
By: Patricia MacLachlan
Call Number: J MACL
Judy Moody
Third grader Judy Moody is in a first day of school bad mood until she gets an assignment to create a collage all about herself and begins creating her masterpiece, the Me collage.
By: Megan McDonald
Call Number: J MCD
7 x 9 = Trouble!
Third-grader Wilson struggles with his times-tables in order to beat the class deadline.
By: Claudia Mills
Call Number: J MIL
Like Pickle Juice on a Cookie
When nine-year-old Eleanor's beloved babysitter Bibi moves away to care for her ailing father, Eleanor must spend the summer adjusting to a new babysitter while mourning the loss of her old one.
By: Julie Sternberg
Call Number: J STE
No Girls Allowed (Dogs Okay)
Fearless nine-year-old "Scab" McNally tries to get his twin sister's help in convincing their parents to let them get a dog, but when he embarrasses her in school with a particularly obnoxious invention, it looks like he has lost her cooperation forever.
By: Trudi Trueit
Call Number: J TRU
The Boxcar Children
Four orphaned children run away and live in a boxcar, until they are found by their grandfather.
By: Gertrude Chandler Warner
Call Number: J WAR
Charlotte's Web
Wilbur, a pig, is desolate when he discovers that he is destined to be the farmer's Christmas dinner until his spider friend Charlotte decides to help him.
By: E.B. White
Call Number: J WHI