Summer Reading Sendoff

Tuesday, July 31, is the last day of Summer Reading! If you're surprised by how fast this summer went, you're not alone. We can't believe it either. But the fun isn't over yet (the fun is never over at the library).  After an entire summer of reading taking you EvErYwHeRe, we are bringing it all home for a celebration- The Summer Reading Sendoff!  

Everyone is welcome to drop by for the celebration from 10 am- 6 pm. There will be games, prizes, snacks, a bouncy house and chances to be entered in drawings. Kona Ice will be here from 10:30-2:30 and Summer Reading finishers can use the free Kona Ice coupon they earned! And don't forget to wear your Summer Reading T-shirt! 

We hope you had a fabulous summer with the library and hope to keep seeing you for other programs though out the school year!